Exciting Gardening Trends for the Year

By Kari Martin, Anoka County Extension Master Gardener

With 2020 thankfully behind us, the newest gardening trends for 2021 are something both novice and experienced gardeners can look forward to. Here is a sneak peek to stir your interest and get your fingers itching to explore more.

The biggest trend predicted for avid gardeners in the coming year is an uptick in the use of technology. From automatic mowers and watering systems to enhanced and decorative lighting, there is an endless supply of contemporary tech solutions for gardening needs. On a trip to a local garden or hardware store, you might find robotic lawn mowers similar to our household robotic vacuum cleaners. There are Wi-Fi enabled sprinklers and solar-powered gadgets to keep gardens watered and weeded throughout the hot summer. If you have pesky critters to deal with, motion-activated sprinklers can help keep them out of your garden. Do you want to learn more about a plant or shrub? There are several free smart phone apps available for plant identification.

A second trend taking off for 2021, and on the opposite end of the technology spectrum, is becoming more ‘DIY.’ From low-maintenance garden designs to upcycling and repurposing, the trend is to make do with what you have and reap the rewards. There are hundreds of great ideas for reinventing old planters and using household items in the garden. Vertical gardening is finding new life with wood pallets, which can be used on decks and in gardens for easier access when growing fresh herbs. Tires are being recycled for seasonal wreaths, and when cleverly transformed with paint and twine they can also be used for low seating. Wind chimes and simple light features can be made from items such as mason jars and spoons. During our surprise early snowfall, I had a blast creating insect houses that will encourage predator bugs to move in and feast on my garden’s insect pests. You can even invite friends and family to get involved with a virtual do-it-yourself party; may the most creative idea win!

The final trend for 2021 is about cooking ‘from farm to table.’ With so many of us currently working from home, we have been stepping up our baking and cooking routines. We have also had more time to plant gardens and enjoy the harvest. A home garden gives you an opportunity to create your own unique recipes with an emphasis on fresh ingredients and beautiful produce. If you are searching for inspiration, look no further than your favorite social media site to find some great ideas. The foodie experience is more than just great food; it’s about taking time to slow down and savor the food and the moment. Imagine making an ice sculpture with cut flowers or a candle infused with your favorite blossoms to enhance your dining experience.

With creativity, curiosity and know-how, the sky is the limit, and these trends will make 2021 an exciting time to dig into more gardening.

Visit our website: http://anokamastergardeners.org for more information on events, activities, and how to Ask a Master Gardener your questions.


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