Master Gardeners have inspired people of all ages to love and appreciate plants and nature while they teach lessons through a variety of presentations and hands-on activities. 

Master Gardeners are often requested to help with one-of-a-kind projects that include educating large groups in community planting projects. Organizations who have requested assistance in the past have included Anoka County Parks and Recreation, Habitat for Humanity, Tree Trust, Great River Greening, Boy Scouts of America, many schools and others.

For more information on adult or youth educational activities, email anokamgs@umn.edu

Yoga In The Parks

Yoga in the Parks held its last session on September 10th. We hope to be able to offer these free classes again in 2023!

This is a collaborative effort between Anoka County Parks and The University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener Program based in Andover. The sessions will be held in different Anoka County Parks to increase the sphere of influence of the program and make it available for more people. Sessions will be made available at no cost to attendees

Project Rationale

There is a Biophilia Hypothesis by Edward O. Wilson (American biologist, naturalist and writer), also alluded to by Stephen R. Kellert, which suggests that humans have an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life. The hypothesis also suggest that these natural connections we seek have been historically vital for the survival and thriving of our emotional, physical and mental psyche. Nowadays, however, the need to affiliate with nature is less obvious since modern times have been centered around urban areas that resemble less and less of the environment we need to thrive. The lack of nature around us deprives us of the skills we would otherwise gain with encounters in nature since they cultivate spatial awareness, adaptability, and competency in relation to other species.

Habitat for Humanity

Anoka County Master Gardeners partner with Habitat for Humanity Twin Cities to help support their mission of providing simple, decent affordable housing for hard-working low- income families. MORE

Youth Projects

 4-H Projects

  • Workshop days/Family Night/Natural Resources Field Trip

  • Grow Your Own Salad Kits

  • Succulents garden workshop

School Projects

  • Crossroads School and Vocational Center Victory Garden

  • Short/long term schoolyard garden projects

  • Tree planting projects

  • Citizen science programs

  • After-school programs

  • Junior Master Gardener Program (JMG)

 Summer Camps

  • Custom designed summer programs

To request Master Gardener volunteers to assist with community gardening or landscape projects, please contact the Anoka County Extension Master Gardener office.

This project is intended to replicate the mental, physical and emotional benefits of gardening, which include stress reduction, anxiety reduction and the release of endorphins that make you a a happier person. The “nearby nature” priority of the Master Gardener Program emphasize connecting people with nature, gardening and exercising outside. Another extremely important aspect of this project is to cultivate a stronger sense of community by allowing people to connect with other people who are wellness-minded. We hope that the interpersonal relationships that will be cultivated in these yoga sessions will not only create and strengthen the bonds in our communities, but also raise awareness on the significance of an active and wellness-themed lifestyle.

Benefits Of Being In Nature

  • Restores neocortex- improves concentration, increases memory retention and boosts creativity

  • Helps develop empathetic thinking- deepens relationship with other living creatures, increases environmental awareness, builds environmentally-friendly behavior and habits

  • reduces physical stress response- lowers heart rate, lowers blood pressure and restores metabolic and hormonal activity

  • Drives vitamin D creation- builds muscle and bone, improves balance and stability

  • Reduces risk of respiratory diseases

  • Calms limbic system- decreases stress hormones, increases control of emotions and lowers risk of depression

Other Community Events

Master Gardeners are available to assist with community-based planting projects by helping to educate project volunteers about proper planting and after-care of trees and plants.  Other community events may involve eradicating invasive weeds such as buckthorn.  As rain gardens grow in popularity, Master Gardeners are equipped to assist with plant selection and installation of plants with large groups.   

Organizations who typically contact Master Gardeners for these service projects include K-12 schools, Great River Greening and Tree Trust