Got a gardening question?
Master Gardeners are volunteers trained by the University of Minnesota Extension to answer all your home gardening questions. Master Gardeners will provide you with the latest university research-based information. What you won’t get is untested, unproven or potentially dangerous solutions. Be patient though, if we don’t know the answer, we’ll ask to get back with you so we can go find the best answer for your question.
Find a Master Gardener in Person
Master Gardeners set up booths at local events, farmer markets and garden centers across Anoka County to answer your yard & garden questions. Come see us! Check out the Master Gardener Events Calendar section to stay up to date and learn where you can find the Anoka County Master Gardeners.
Yard & Garden Line : (612) 301-7590
The Yard & Garden Phone Line, a partnership between the Master Gardener Program and the MN Landscape Arboretum is staffed by Master Gardener volunteers from Anoka and other counties. The Yard & Garden Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling (612) 301-7590.
Leave a message on their voicemail system with your contact information and a detailed question. A Master Gardener volunteer will research your question and return your call.
Submit a Question Online
Don’t have time for a phone call? Get answers from Minnesota Master Gardeners through the National Extension system. Master Gardeners in MN respond to local questions. Photos can be uploaded too for a more accurate diagnosis.
Other Resources
For other horticultural and related websites, please visit our Extra Resources page.