Plant Diagnostic Clinics

Bring up to 3 samples or photos with you and let our Master Gardeners assist you in identification or diagnoses of your problem and to offer best practice recommendations for your garden or landscape concerns.

Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30 PM, June 18th through August 13th (with the exception of July 2nd)

Held in the Teaching Center at the Bunker Hills Activities Center, 550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW, Andover, MN.

Saturday, July 12th from 12:00-1:30pm at the Columbia Heights Library, 3939 Central Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, MN.

Visit here for more Information about Services

Visit Us in the Gardens

Drop in and talk with Extension Master Gardeners as we work to maintain and beautify our public garden spaces. Volunteers are ready to answer your questions during these informal gatherings. Weather permitting.

  • Veterans Memorial Peace Garden — Bunker Hills Activities Center, 550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW, Andover, MN

  • Blaine Memorial Park Gardens — Tom Ryan Park, 10802 Town Square Dr. NE, Blaine, MN (across from City Hall)

A close up photo of a swallow tail butterfly with outstretched wings sitting on a purple flower