Community Events

Master Gardeners are available to assist with community-based planting projects by helping to educate project volunteers about proper planting and after-care of trees and plants.  Other community events may involve eradicating invasive weeds such as buckthorn.  As rain gardens grow in popularity, Master Gardeners are equipped to assist with plant selection and installation of plants with large groups.   

Organizations who typically contact Master Gardeners for these service projects include K-12 schools, Great River Greening and Tree Trust

Bringing Gardens to Schools

Anoka Master Gardeners have been working with local elementary schools to provide after-school programming to students in 4th and 5th grade. These garden clubs aim to educate youth on relevant environmental and horticultural topics.

At one of our partner schools this year, students focused on creating pollinator-friendly environments. The students worked with the Master Gardeners for 4 weeks to plan, prepare, and plant a pollinator garden at their school.

Additionally, the students planted a giving garden and a raised bed vegetable garden. All food produced in their garden goes directly into the school’s food shelf to provide healthy and nutritious food to students and their families.

Youth Projects

 4-H Projects

  • Workshop days/Family Night/Natural Resources Field Trip

  • Grow Your Own Salad Kits

  • Succulents garden workshop

School Projects

  • Crossroads School and Vocational Center Victory Garden

  • Short/long term schoolyard garden projects

  • Tree planting projects

  • Citizen science programs

  • After-school programs

  • Junior Master Gardener Program (JMG)

 Summer Camps

  • Custom designed summer programs

To request Master Gardener volunteers to assist with community gardening or landscape projects, please contact the Anoka County Extension Master Gardener office.

Four Master Gardeners posed for a photograph smiling
Smiling Master gardeners stand in a line in front of a farm. Grain silos and barn buildings can be seen in the background.

Past Projects and Outreach Events