Master Gardener Applications Are Now Closed for 2025!
Class of 2026 Application Process will start August 1, 2025.
Interested? Submit request at UMN Extension Become a Master Gardener
to be notified when applications are available.
What is involved in becoming a Master Gardener?
Do you love gardening? Do you have a desire for life-long learning? Do you enjoy sharing your knowledge or skills with others? If you answered YES to those questions, you are on the way.
Watch this video to learn from Anoka County Master Gardeners why anyone who loves learning and sharing their knowledge about gardening should consider joining the program.
Learn more about the statewide University of MN Extension Master Gardener Program.
Do I need to have professional gardening experience & skills?
While it is useful to have some general gardening experience, a formal education in horticulture isn't necessary. University of Minnesota Extension educators provide the horticulture training and resources to equip you. Good communication skills and a desire to work with people is essential to inspiring change in the health of our communities.
Want to know more about the program before applying?
Attend our OPEN HOUSE in Anoka County to learn more about Extension’s mission and goals for the Master Gardener program, as well as how to apply to the program. Learn from other Master Gardener volunteers about the array of local activities they participate in.
WHEN AND WHERE? The Open House will be held on Thursday, August 22, 2024 beginning at 6PM at Bunker Hills Activities Center in Andover. Attendees will hear an informational presentation about our volunteer program in Anoka County and details about the recruitment process with an opportunity for questions. Anyone who attends the Open House is welcome to stay to hear our monthly speaker from 7-8PM. Email anokamgs@umn.edu if you would like to attend the Open House or have any questions.
If I become a Master Gardener, what is the commitment?
During the first year, Master Gardeners are called “Interns” and are required to contribute 50 hours of volunteer service and complete 5 additional hours of continuing education in addition to the Core Course (48+ hours of online materials). Many opportunities and projects are available throughout the season for volunteers to gain their hourly requirement. Public-facing and at-home/online opportunities are available. First year volunteers are encouraged to sign up in advance (end of February) for a wide variety of projects to gain valuable experience.
After the first year, 25 volunteer hours plus 5 continuing education hours are required annually to maintain certification as a Master Gardener. Opportunities for continuing education are provided through our program and statewide resources. Every 3 years, volunteers must pass a background check and retake the Safety of Minors Training to keep their active status in the program.
Recurring Program Dates
August 1 - October 1: Applications to join the Master Gardeners are accepted. Applications must be submitted by October 1st.
Fourth Thursday in August: Attend our Open House for potential applicants for the Anoka County Master Gardener program. An informational presentation will begin at 6 PM at Bunker Hills Activities Center in Andover. Attendees are welcome to stay for our monthly member meeting at 7 PM when we hear from an educational speaker.
October & November: Applicants meet & greet with local volunteers and program staff.
Mid-November: Deadline for submission of background check & complete Safety of Minors training.
December 1: Deadline for Core Course Registration.
Core Course opens online in January: All Master Gardener Interns are required to take the Core Course which is administered by University of Minnesota educators. The online format includes 48+ hours of material that is self-paced. Topics taught in the Core Course include: community engagement, soils, entomology, botany, diagnostics, trees & shrubs, herbaceous plants, lawn care, plant pathology, weeds, wildlife, integrated pest management, vegetables, and fruits.
December/January: New Member Orientation.
Fourth Thursday of February: Volunteer Activities & Projects Meeting. Interns are required to attend this meeting and highly encouraged to attend all monthly meetings on fourth Thursdays.
Fourth Thursday Monthly Meetings, January - October. Anoka County Master Gardeners meet monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month, January - October at the Bunker Hills Activities Center in Andover. Volunteers hear from a educational speaker and updates on program happenings. Meetings are available in-person in Andover and on Zoom. All Master Gardeners are highly encouraged to attend meetings in-person or online.
Third Thursday of November: Annual Volunteer Appreciation Celebration.